Manufahi RKM News=====Loron 13/09 Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral STAE Municipio Manufahi simu Dukumentos ba kandidatu brigada nain 94 hodi organiza eleisaun presidensial tinan 2022.Segunda feira semana né iha escritório Stae Municipio Manufahi Diretur Stae Municipio Manufahi Angelo Corte Real hateten Rekrutamentu ba brigarista ne’ebe Stae Municipio Halao hodi prepara ba eleisaun presidensial 2022/ ne’ebe sei presiza brigarista nain 94 hodi destaca ba sentru votadasaun 94 iha Manufahi .
Angelo Corte real Argumenta prosesu simu dukumentus ba korkorente sira hahu segunda feira ohin loron 13 to loron 24 fulan setembru tinan ne’e no seleksaun dukumentus iha loron 7 to loron 8 outubro depois Remata sei taka lista ba kandidatura sira iha loron 11 to 22 outubro no rejultadu final sei fo sai iha fulan janeiru tinan 2022.
Entertantu dukumentus sira ne parte stae sei simu tuir postu ida idak ne’ebe Stabelese iha munisipiu Manufahi hanesan postu Administrativo same,alas,fatuberlihu no postu Administrativo Turiskai.(VAS)
He Makes Money Online WITHOUT Traffic?
Most people believe that you need traffic to profit online…
And for the most part, they’re right!
Fact is.. 99.99% of methods require you to have traffic.
And that in itself is the problem..
Because frankly, getting traffic is a pain in the rear!
Don’t you agree?
That’s why I was excited when a good friend told me that he was profiting, but with ZERO traffic.
I didn’t believe him at first…
But after he showed me the proof, it’s certainly the real deal!
I’m curious what your thoughts are.
Click here to take a look >>
Please view it before it’s taken down.